All Genres Books

Dragonwomant’s List

Bedlam’s Bard by Mercedes Lackey

It’s silly, cheesy, preposterous urban fantasy and yet, I find it so enjoyable, I read it at least once a year.

1602 by Neil Gaiman

I’m a fan of nearly everything Gaiman does (with the exception of the *ugh* Skippy post on his blog) but he managed to do something that I never thought possible-make me like Marvel characters. I think that’s pretty powerful, since I much prefer comics/graphic novels like Cerebus, The Books of Magic, Poison Elves, and Pet Shop of Horrors.
War for the Oaks by Emma Bull

This novel is everything Urban Fantasy could and SHOULD be. The suspension of disbelief for this book wasn’t difficult at all. Ms. Bull gives her characters strong personailties and follows through
believably throughout the book.
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett

This one is just a rip-roaring romp of a great book and it’s about the apocalypse. Who knew that the end of the world could be so evastatingly funny? Well, obviously, these two guys.
Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins

I have come to the conclusion that Tom Robbins is good for my soul. This book mixes perfumery, the pursuit of immortality, and the god Pan with a group of potentially hallucinated (but probably not) cave-dwelling swamis into a modern day stew of suspense and humor. There’s also a not very subtle but highly fulfilling love story in there too. Oh yes, and sex. Robbins is awfully fond of making sexual references without actually getting graphic during the actual sex scenes. Tom Robbins novels aren’t usually found in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy shelves, due to some sort of silly nonsense about them being absurdist, satirical literature or some pretentious label like that, but trust me, there is a very large fantasy element in each and every one of his novels. Pan is a real, living, breathing character in the book, and one of the main characters is the former king of a Russian Steppe village who is (if I remember correctly) well over 600 years old. There is also a lot of reverence paid to the humble red beet in the book, it has a starring role, though to explain that little comment, I would give away some very important plot points. I hate spoilers, so I won’t do that to you.

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